Patient Participation Group

Sharing Your Views :                                                                               

  • Would you like to have your say about the quality and range of services we provide at Quayside?
  • Would you like to be involved in improving access to locally delivered services?
  • Would you like to be involved in deciding what new services could be provided in the future?

We wish to ensure that our registered patients and their carers have the opportunity to provide valuable feedback on the practice, in particular the quality of care we deliver and what we could do better for all our patients. We would also like to encourage patients to engage in their own health care.

Our active Patient Participation Group is a representative group of patients and carers from the practice who meet on a quarterly basis to share patient views and experiences on the service we provide and discuss how it might be improved.

Members of the group also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of local services through engagement with the High Weald Lewes Havens Clinical Commissioning Group.

Meetings are chaired by a practice patient. Our current Chair is Dr Alex Tait who may be contacted via reception.

All patients have the opportunity to raise items for discussion that do not relate to an individual’s medical information by leaving a request in writing for the Chair at reception, at least 10 days in advance of the next scheduled meeting.

The group is always keen to welcome new patient and carer members of all ages so as to ensure the needs of all our patients are fully represented.

If you would like more information on how to become involved, please open the link below, complete your details and hand the form in to reception.

Patient Participation Group Application Form

The Patient Participation Group met on:

Thursday 13th June at 6.30pm

The next Patient Participation Group meetings have been provisionally scheduled for:

Thursday 5th September at 2pm

Tuesday 3rd December at 2pm

 It is not too late to become involved in the Group and represent the views of all the patients at the practice.

Previous PPG Meeting Notes:

Please see the links below for a copy of the notes from the previous Patient Participation Group meetings:

PPG Minutes 2024.06.13

PPG Meeting Notes 5/3/24

PPG Meeting notes 5/12/23

PPG Meeting Notes 21/9/23